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The Physician Life Care Planning leadership understands that the Covid-19 crisis is creating many challenges and disruptions for families, businesses, local governments, and of course the Courts. Our company, like so many, is working on plans to protect our staff and ensure continuity and quality of service during the national response to this public health emergency and beyond, when circumstances start to normalize.

We will continue to move forward with our work and respond to national and local recommendations and mandates, balancing our responsibilities to keep our team safe, while attending to our clients’ needs.
We are currently open for your questions and needs. Often times our clients come across deadlines that are hard to meet, sometimes, those deadline crunches and expedite fees can be avoided by just sending us the case a couple weeks sooner. By scheduling a Free Consultation during these times, PLCP is happy to help you identify any cases that a Life Care Plan or other Damages Valuation Services might be necessary. Please call on us as needed.
We will notify all of our clients and contacts if the situation changes.
Take good care,
Physician Life Care Planning 


  • ACTS Law
  • Expert MRI
  • Signature Resolution
  • Baldwin Settlements
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  • Nguyen Theam