Mentor Program

CAALA’s Mentor Program offers new lawyers, legal staff and law student members the opportunity to develop one-on-one relationships with accomplished attorneys and benefit from their experience. The program serves as a forum for experienced attorneys to share their wisdom with new lawyers and offer advice and guidance on legal issues, business development, procedural and ethical dilemmas and even office politics.

How it Works

Complete the online ENROLLMENT FORM  and maintain an active membership in good standing with CAALA for participation in the Mentor Program. Please be as detailed as possible on the enrollment form with your preferences and practice concentrations. Once we receive your enrollment form, you will be assigned a Mentor or Mentee as soon as possible and will receive an introduction email from CAALA.


Mentorships are ultimately based on personal relationships. It takes more than an initial introduction to develop a successful mentor relationship. The mentor and mentee must make a commitment of time to develop the trust and interpersonal relationship that is necessary for a fully-engaged mentoring relationship. Effective communication will be essential to establishing a good relationship. Once assigned, the Mentor and Mentee should share their expectations, including time commitment, best method of contacting each other, and the goals of the mentor relationship. 

Tips for success:

  • Confidentiality: Communication between the Mentor/Mentee should be confidential, in both discussing legal issues or office matters.
  • Consider an initial face-to-face meeting: Although phone introductions are quick and convenient, a face-to-face meeting is more likely to personalize the relationship.
  • Exchange email addresses, office and cell numbers: The hallmark of a good mentorship is that both parties are available for each other. By exchanging this information, you both implicitly send a message that you are both available and committed to developing a successful mentorship.
  • Schedule regular meetings: Mentors, do you have some down time in between court hearings? Are you taking a lunch break? Are you in trial and wouldn't mind a mentee observing? Are you attending a CAALA seminar, mixer event or meeting? These are just a few examples of times you can meet with your mentee.
  • Spontaneous communication: It's quick and easy to send an e-mail to say hello or pass on a new case law to your mentee.

Contact or (213) 487-1212 with any questions. 


Disclaimer: CAALA assumes no liability for any participants' advice, action or inaction linked to participation in the program. Although mentors may provide advice and information to mentees, individual mentees are expected to exercise individual professional judgment. 


  • ACTS Law
  • Expert MRI
  • Signature Resolution
  • Baldwin Settlements
  • ADR Services
  • USA Express
  • JAMS
  • Verdict Videos
  • Judicate West
  • KAAS Settlement Consulting
  • Nguyen Theam