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Law Student Membership
Jump start your legal career!

Annual law student membership is FREE and includes education, networking and more. Join online! 

Get Connected

CAALA's community of more than 3,000 plaintiff attorneys will help you get ahead of your peers and build connections in the legal field before graduation.

Attend complimentary Member Mixers to interact with top trial lawyers. 

Participate in CAALA's Mentor Program to develop a one-on-one relationship plus receive advice and guidance on career advancement, legal issues and more.  

Get inspired

"I love my job!" It's a common phrase with our community. Hear and see firsthand the passion, heart and power of the nation's most prominent trial lawyers. Student members are invited to participate in Women in Law Group, a support network and forum for sharing of ideas and concerns that affect women in the legal industry. 

get ahead

Attend CAALA's education seminars to learn things that can be applied to your practice.

Membership provides free admission to Trial Skills for the New Lawyer Seminar (full day program in March). Complimentary admission applies during pre-registration period, late fees will apply after deadlines. 

CAALA Vegas: the most talked about and well-attended convention of its kind in the nation where you can network and learn from the best. Nominal registration fees does apply. 

Additional Real World Tools

Free subscription to Advocate Magazine, our monthly publication.

Access to the members-only online Job Bank. This complimentary member benefit enables you to post your resume and search jobs including internships, clerking and part-time positions.

Benefits continue after graduation
You are eligible for law student membership until you pass the bar exam and have a State Bar license. Once licensed our New Attorney Membership offers a variety of resources to make the transition into practice easier. Your support network includes the New Lawyers Group, list serve access, online document bank and much more.

Contact with any questions about law student membership.


  • ACTS Law
  • Expert MRI
  • Signature Resolution
  • Baldwin Settlements
  • ADR Services
  • USA Express
  • JAMS
  • Verdict Videos
  • Judicate West
  • KAAS Settlement Consulting
  • Nguyen Theam