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Glucroft Investigations

Glucroft Investigations, Inc. is still here for you.

The situation we’re facing as a company and as individuals is unprecedented and changing at a pace all of us are working to keep up with. We are making the best decisions we can with two goals in mind: protecting employees and their respective families, while trying our best to serve our customers who rely on us for the needs of their clients.

  • Insurance Company and Policy Limit InvestigationGlucroft Investigations, Inc. continues to provide insurance policy tracing.  Our capability is extensive and includes Auto, Business, Homeowner, Renter, Umbrella, Premises, and many other types of policies.
  • Witness Statements – Our investigators can conduct telephonic recorded and transcribed statements
  • Service of Process – we are still available to serve all your documents.

We remain fully functioning during this time and we will continue work on all new and existing cases despite the fact that our physical office is closed pursuant to the Governor’s most recent shutdown order. We continue to be available to you by phone, email and through our website, +1-866-411-8646


  • ACTS Law
  • Expert MRI
  • Signature Resolution
  • Baldwin Settlements
  • ADR Services
  • USA Express
  • JAMS
  • Verdict Videos
  • Judicate West
  • KAAS Settlement Consulting
  • Nguyen Theam