Trial Lawyer of the Year Nomination Letters


Each year CAALA’s Board of Governors selects the association’s Trial Lawyer of the Year following a rigorous nomination procedure.

Part of the selection process is that each candidate submits a letter to the board describing their most significant verdict of that year and why they are proud of that verdict. These letters are a valuable resource for members and provide an insight as to the passion and professional skills of the CAALA members considered for our association’s highest honor.

Following is a sampling of letters from several Trial Lawyer of the Year candidates.


Candidates for 2011
Adam Shea
Carney Shegerian
Conal Doyle
Gregory W. Smith
Matthew McNicholas
Candidates for 2010
Ali Taheripour
Christine Spagnoli
Gregory J. Owen
Lars C. Johnson
Maryann P. Gallagher
Nicholas Rowley
Otto L. Haselhoff
P. Christopher Ardalan
Ricardo Echeverria
Scott C. Glovsky
Sean M. Burke
Wayne McClean
William M. Paoli
William N. McMillan
Candidates for 2009
Arash Homampour
Carney Shegerian
Charles T. Mathews
David M deRubertis
Dave M. Ring
Gregory W. Smith
Martin Louis Stanley
Matthew McNicholas
Nicholas C. Rowley
Ricardo Echeverria
Scott A. Meyers
Simona Farrise
Steven Heimberg
Candidates for 2006
Arash Homampour
Brian D. Witzer
Carl E. Douglas
David R. Lira
Russell S. Kussman



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